Thursday, September 16, 2010

Global Warming home plan

Modern Global Warming home plan“Global Warming” has been called everything, from “the greatest hoax perpetuated on mankind”, to “the greatest challenge to face mankind”. Whilst I’m not here to debate on this subject, my primary goal is to make you aware of the simple things we can do, that will go a long way to help curb this problem.We’ve heard that “charity begins at home”. This sentence means that we should first ensure that at least our nearest family has sufficient resources before we give away to charity.

 It’s the same with global warming. Unless we all individually do something about this, there is no point in blaming how careless people are towards this growing problem. You need to start taking the necessary steps first, before advocating and attacking others.An individual who wishes to build a house or his business centre to suit his lifestyle can seek the expertise of the architectural professional. The reputation of the company has to be ascertained before giving the project. Check the service and the rates offered for their work. Check the credential of the firm staff who is assigned with your project.A reputed firm is expected to offer the builder; house plan drafting, architectural rendering, interior design, 3D exterior design and space planning. Some specialize in certain fields like "green housing" which is the current trend to overcome global warming.

Architectural rendering is another field that they specialize by designing two dimensional images to attribute to the proposed model. 3D professional expertise creates unique designs to visualize and rectify any errors without any loss.

How to Step Home Global Warming

Owing to the overall rise in the temperature, the glaciers in the Antarctic region begin to melt which has increased the overall sea level. If this situation continues, many low lying areas will submerge in the near future. Global warming also increases the occurrences of hurricanes.
There are many easy solutions to reduce global warming and its impact. First of all, people should understand the problem and take measures accordingly to save the worldGlobal warming refers to the increase in average temperature of the earth, particularly at the lower atmosphere due to the abundant increase of greenhouse gases. This is primarily due to the human’s intervention and the life style they have adapted in the recent years.

Greenhouse gases in its natural content in the atmosphere are required, for it acts as a greenhouse around the earth. It allows the sun’s rays to pass through the atmosphere but doesn’t let it to escape and creates a surrounding suitable for life. Life cannot exist without green house gases like carbon dioxide, water vapour, methane etc but they should be existing in permissible quantities only. The problem of global warming arises when people started contributing abundant amount of green house gases which traps more heat in the atmosphere thus increasing the temperature.

Effects on global warming

As the temperatures continue to rise this will force the ocean to evaporate quicker and therefore more rainfall will be experienced. The problem with this effect is that the rainfall may hit areas of the world which do not need it at all causing massive floods and monsoons. Subtropical areas like India are expected to be the target of this particular effect of global warming. On the other hand it is safe to say that droughts are going to be more of a problem than flooding.There are predictions that the future effects of global warming may have its benefits as well. In the northern part of the world such as Canada, the warmer temperatures will mean longer growing seasons and more rainfall. This of course then will put an end to any food shortage that may be occurring and provide a new sense of prosperity to countries throughout the world which have been struggling to survive.As it is obvious by its name, Global Warming is a global phenomenon with a number of effects on the global level. Global warming has various effects, ranging from the effects to the atmosphere to the economical, environmental as well as the health life of human beings. 

 There are also a number of effects to the nature and atmosphere.One of the most serious effects of Global Warming that humans have to think about are the effects on the health of individuals, nations and therefore civilizations. The rise in temperature due to Global Warming is known to be supportive to various viral diseases like the west nile virus and malaria. This will result in economic as well as health effects on human beings. For example, Global Warming will increase the incidence of such diseases in poorer countries where these diseases exist. Global Warming will also cause countries who have eradicated these diseases to spend more on vaccinations and other ways of eradication like pesticides, etc.

Other than these effects, Global Warming has other effects on the health of human beings. Global Warming results in a drastic rise in temperature. This rise in temperature will finally result in an increase in the mortality rate of people. A higher temperature causes problems to people with cardiovascular problems. In extreme cases, people are known to have died of heatstroke. People may also have heat exhaustion problems. Respiratory problems are also known to arise out of a high temperature.

Global Warming for Kids

Today the world is reeling under the pressure of global warming. Every change in the weather and every natural catastrophe is blamed on the global warming. But what is global warming? Global warming is an average increase in the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere. How has the temperature risen and why has the temperature risen are the two questions often posed by many of us. Scientists have derived answers to these questions to help us understand this phenomenon called 'global warming' better. Let's see what it really means.

If you were to teach your kids how turning off the lights in their room when they are out is important. Explain to them that electricity actually uses a lot of energy and makes the Earth hot. Remember to use simple words as I have here and not overcomplicated words so that they can understand. The next part in helping to teach global warming for kids is to help remind them what a difference they are making by turning off their lights in their room and how you are doing it too.Remember to repeat your teaching, best by example, as repeated teaching makes memory and good habits are base on memory. So what they remember, they will practice and do. I believe this method of teaching global warming for kids to be productive and fruitful.
The next thing you can teach them as was with lights can be on the other appliances in the house. You could start with refrigerator. It should be simple enough to explain to them how refrigerator also uses electricity in their light bulbs. Then you could go on to explain how electricity is used in refrigerator to keep it cold. So leaving the light bulbs on when the fridge is open causes the refrigerator to become less cold and for it to be colder the refrigerator will expand more electricity for this. Thus like the explanation on how light uses electricity, it is the same for refrigerator. As electricity takes up a lot of energy this makes the Earth hot. Remember when teaching global warming for kids to understand, you have to use simple words they already know.Another helpful topic on teaching global warming for kids by example would be about water usage. Teach them how turning off the tap water while brushing their teeth helps save water. Explain to them how it takes up a lot of energy to bring in water into the house as energy is used to make the water clean and warm. The increase of energy usage will makes the Earth hotter. You should do the same for yourself by turning off the water when brushing your teeth as you want to be a role model for the kids.

Global warming skeptics

Retreating glaciers, rising sea levels, extinction of species, extreme weather conditions... evidences of global warming exist in plenty. However, not all the people out there are convinced that these trends are any indicators of global warming. Even, eminent scientists and researchers all over the world are divided over this issue. All the evidence provided by researchers, who feel that the planet is heading for a disastrous climate change, is dismissed by global warming skeptics as mere exaggerations. Amidst all this confusion, the layman is left wondering whether the phenomenon of global warming is really happening, or is it just another large-scale controversy triggered for some personal gains of a few people sitting at the crux. 
 Is Global Warming Real or Fake?
When researchers pitching for global warming talk about rising temperature, they refer to the average global temperature, and not that of a particular region or a country. On an average, the global temperature has increased by 1 degree Fahrenheit over the last century. In some regions, the temperature rise is less than the global average, while in some places it is more. For instance, the temperature in Arctic region has increased twice the global average in the same time-frame.Commercial and residential buildings need a lot of fuel to be burnt, emitting huge amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. As compared to carbon dioxide, methane is twenty times more effectual at entrapping the heat in the atmosphere. Methane is obtained from several resources such as bovine flatulence, paddles, fossil fuel manufacture and bacteria in bogs. Flood in the fields decays the organic matter, and releases methane in the atmosphere. Nylon and nitric acid production, use of fertilizers in the agriculture, cars with catalytic converters and burning of organic matter are main sources of nitrous oxide. More than 33% of carbon dioxide emission comes from engines of light trucks and cars. Vehicles that have poor mileage contribute maximum to the global warming.
Nearly every single person agreed that regardless of what is causing global warming, it is unacceptable to continue to pollute the environment. It seems obvious that the public are increasingly frustrated with policy makers constantly missing the point, perhaps? Consumers are saying that it is they who need to act, and that governments and media are more concerned with the political machinations of environmental policy rather than the future of the planet.The most telling thing about this research is that the participants were of a broad range of demographics, generations and some were global warming skeptics. Yet they all held the same belief that in the greater scheme of things, the cause of global warming is second to the 'mess' we are making of our planet. It would seem that the world is ready to take action in securing a better environment for future generations. Other research concluded that people are concerned about the role of big business in the environmental debate also, which means the public are standing up and taking notice.